Sunday, January 3, 2010

I just taught my computer the word shit. Apparently I am a bad influence. I'm loving this! I feel like my whole world has just opened up. I can close my eyes, meditate, and allow my story to come through with virtually no effort required of me. It's strange. I almost feel like I'm cheating. As if having too much fun, makes me less of a writer.

I still have to say things like, "new paragraph", and "go to end of sentence". It's strange to tell the computer these commands instead of just pressing a button, but dictation is… freeing. Almost too freeing. I'm sort of feeling the exhilaration of free falling without a parachute. Am I flying? Or am I falling?

Pretty soon I'll be able to sit with my computer, and have a conversation about my protagonist Alex, his friend Mark, and the world of the Grigori without having to type. I won't be surprised if pretty soon the computer starts critiquing my work!

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